There are well over 3000 surgical abortions performed in the United States every day of the year, as well as countless non-surgical abortions brought about by drugs designed to interrupt a very early pregnancy. With all these babies being cut off at the start, it is small wonder that there are literally millions of women walking about with the pain of knowing that once there was a baby on the way that never made it. Some initially feel relieved — it was not a “planned” pregnancy — but the thought of the “child that could have been” crops up in the future and haunts them. Others grieve from the very beginning – they feel a terrible loss, they become depressed, they try various things to soothe the pain. If they aborted because of pressure from the boyfriend they often feel an animosity toward him and the relationship comes undone. Through the years they notice children of the age their child might have been. Some learn, much to their despair, that they have rid themselves of the only child they would ever conceive. Or when they eventually do bear a child they appreciate more fully what they ended in the past. The pro-life signs are spot-on when they say ABORTION = ONE DEAD, ONE WOUNDED
Most women are naturally nurturers. Most women have a kind of built-in desire to mother. But on top of their normal womanly feeling of loss, those who have aborted often experience a kind of spiritual despair. If they ever believed that abortion is morally wrong, if they ever believed in the commandment, “thou shalt not kill,” they know in their heart that something, someone, has died and they feel responsible. They may think they can’t go to church any more, they can’t tell anyone what they’ve done. It is just too awful. In short, they cannot forgive themselves and doubt that anyone else can.
Last month following the annual March for Life in Washington DC a group of 100 woman from Silent No More told their stories of healing and forgiveness after abortion from the steps of the Supreme Court building. Their page of resources on their website for women after abortion is impressive. Some of these groups have been around, serving post-abortive women, for years.
Another newer group I recently learned of, which actually prompted this post, is PATH (which stands for Post Abortion Treatment and Healing)
Many millions of women have felt the pain of abortion. Years later they are still suffering. They need to know that countless others have not only suffered but have learned and grown and healed. Because these women have been there, raw and suffering, they want to help others who are still there, still unhealed. There is a path to healing, wholeness, and peace. To any woman with an abortion in her past I would urge that she click on one of the above websites. Read the testimonies. Be aware of the groups that exist for no other reason than to help you. Look at the books that have been written about post-abortion syndrome and finding wholeness. Know that even if you can’t forgive yourself, if perhaps others may not forgive, God always forgives……and is waiting to do just that. It is never too late.
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, “It might have been.” — Whittier