Let’s put it this way – some days I’m more competent than others. I’m feeling that it’s time for another blogpost lest people will figure I’ve died. Not so. I’m active on FaceBook but those little daily FB posts don’t cut it for a blog. So I’ll just muse along for awhile and see what develops. Two weeks ago I tripped and banged my head against the door jamb. My forehead grew so big I looked like an alien. The next day I had one black eye which was swollen shut. . The following day two black eyes. Over time my cheeks were black, some of my forehead, my left chin and left neck. If I can remember how I used to go about posting photos I’ll give it a try.
Well, I give up and it’s not worth wasting time on. It has been months since I’ve posted a photo and there’s a whole new computer to contend with. Sometimes, lately, I’m just not up to it. Suffice to say that it is now two weeks since the incident and most people hardly notice that I’m a trifle discolored. Then there’s the sciatica for which I’ve had an MRI and physical therapy. All this takes time and saps strength. None of it is life-threatening so it’s just a case of carry on until the next development.
I love old people! When we get together, it’s like a mutual support club, swapping miseries, helping out, encouraging. A friend told me she didn’t like being 67 at all; she couldn’t imagine what 91 would be like! We octogenarians understand. Tomorrow I plan to get together with my siblings (all still alive, 89, 87, 85, and 83) just because we can arrange such a thing and who know when there might be another opportunity! Unfortunately our baby sister in Florida (only 77) can’t make it. We are all semi-decrepit and I’m sure the Olive Garden people will notice when we walk in!
We don’t drive if we can avoid it and some don’t drive anymore. Our eyesight is failing. Memories are definitely disappearing, some more than others. Actually we’re pretty good at old memories; it’s the recent ones that don’t want to stick around. Just this morning I couldn’t remember something and now I can’t remember what it was I couldn’t remember.
Later: Update on the sciatica, since lots of people complain when the largest nerve in the human body starts to act up. Despite a couple months of massage, ultrasound, and exercises I can’t really say it’s much better – maybe a little less pain but more paresthesias. Insurance refuses to cover Lidocaine patches for pain and neurologist is on vacation till April! Will see my internist next week.
I think I’ll just post this little update so everyone will know I still live and still blog.
Love to all!