This video needs no comment. I will follow it only with Father Weslin’s biography, taken directly from his book, The Gathering of the Lambs. You decide if we have here a crazy old man or a martyr for Jesus’ babies.
Father Norman retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army after twenty years of active military service. He was a paratrooper, commander, and chief of a war plans division on the General Staff. He was the Operations Officer responsible for the nuclear-tipped missile defense of New York City, Chicago and South Korea.
Father Norman was a married man with a wife, two children, and two grandchildren. He has been involved in the pro-life movement for twenty-five years. He and his wife started Birthrights, Life Support Centers, and political action committees in an effort to stop the killing of Jesus’ babies.
After his wife’s death in an automobile accident in 1980 he converted his home into a “home for pregnant, unwed mothers.” 252 mothers have since lived in the Mary Weslin Home for Pregnant, Unwed Mothers. 115 babies have been born directly through the home. At this time Father has five pregnant women living in his home.
Father was an alcoholic for twenty years. He recovered thirty-one years ago. He worked as a priest with Mother Teresa for a nine-month learning experience — counseling alcoholics and drug addicts in the slums of New York.
After twelve years of picketing killing centers and sidewalk counseling, Father realized that we could not stop satan’s multi-billion dollar child-killing industry by ourselves but that Jesus could and would if we made the sacrifice of confronting satan directly at the killing centers.

A Contrast in Integrity
Left: Notre Dame denies its Catholic heritage by giving pro-abortion Obama the “necklace” of an honorary Doctorate.
Right: Father Norman Weslin lives out his Catholic faith on the Notre Dame campus and is “necklaced” by the police!
Though he was cruelly treated he submitted humbly and said not a word like a lamb led to slaughter. Isaiah 53:7