How long, oh Lord, how long, must we put up with the left dominating the media with their catchy slogans and their disdain for facts? If they had their way, they would shut right-wingers down yesterday – which is exactly what the Fairness Doctrine aims to do: stop Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, anyone who tries to counter the spin on the major networks. And they dare to call this intolerance Fairness.
But Fairness sounds good, doesn’t it. Everybody is for Fairness. Just as Choice sounds good. Who can be against choice? Everybody is for free choice. But for the left Choice means the right to kill the unborn child – any time, any way. Still choice sounds good on the face of it – until you look into what they who have commandeered that term really want to do.
Along comes stem cell research and curing Parkinson’s disease. Everyone wants to cure Parkinson’s (and cancer and Alzheimer’s and a myriad of other disastrous diseases.) They talked Nancy Reagan (who has experienced Alzheimer’s up close) and Michael J Fox (with his acute Parkinson’s) into campaigning for them. Despite the fact that all the progress thus far has come from adult stem cell research — despite the fact that embryonic stem cell research not only kills living human beings but is inherently dangerous because of the totipotency of the embryonic tissue – despite everything that a well-intentioned person can find out for himself with a little research.
But curing Parkinson’s sounds good, doesn’t it? At last – finally – a smidgen of truth on the subject has appeared on a major network. And not only a major network but on Oprah! I do believe that in spite of her track record Oprah tries to be on the side of truth. At last (see the video below) we see “America’s Doctor,” Dr. Mehmet Oz, telling Oprah and Michael J Fox that adult cell stem cell research is the real answer. Of course, this is something we on the right have been saying all along! I pray Michael Fox is really listening and not only would like a cure for Parkinson’s but will want no further part in this deception, however inadvertent.
However, another video from the same show, from a different source and of a poorer quality, is still around.
And here, from the National Catholic Register, is another video clip from the Oprah show as Josh Brahm gives his take on Dr. Oz’s comments on the stem cell debate. Brahm appreciates that Dr. Oz is not toeing the party line when he writes:
Oprah looks on with a certain horror (she knows the political ramifications) as he explains: “The problem with embryonic stem cells is that embryonic stem cells come from embryos, like all of us were made from embryos. And those cells can become any cell in the body. But it’s very hard to control them, and so they can become cancer.
Obama’s recent executive order rescinded President Bush’s limitation on funding for embryonic stem cell research and at the same time took away funding for other types of stem cell research, the only kind to have proven results! This occurred after his ostentatious memorandum on scientific integrity just last month!
Michael Fox applauded Obama’s action:
Now that the President has taken this critical action, I am excited by the prospect of American scientists carrying human embryonic stem cell research forward toward better treatments and cures that will affect countless millions of lives.
Charles Krauthammer (who does not believe that personhood is conferred at conception) writes:
Obama’s pretense that he will “restore science to its rightful place” and make science, not ideology, dispositive in moral debates is yet more rhetorical sleight of hand — this time to abdicate decision-making and color his own ideological preferences as authentically “scientific.”
Dr. Oz thinks the stem cell debate is dead. Would that it were true. The culture of death does not give up easily. One does have to wonder what Michael J. Fox was thinking as Dr. Oz implied that he has been barking up the wrong tree.
REP. RANDY FORBES, (R-VA) asks for stem cell support. Congressman Forbes’ father died with Parkinson’s disease and his brother now suffers from it.
If some would just REALLY listen to this. Then my son Wes might have a cure for his diabetes. Have a grand day! Holy week is full for me. I’d like to Scrabble Easter week if that is all right with you! No, I haven’t jumped ship. Cathy
There is a group of physicians, patients and other interested people working together to get treatment with adult stem cells legalized in the U.S. as it should be. Please ask your family and friends to sign up (“JOIN”), and get as many doctors to sign up as well. Please see The American Stem Cell Therapy Association site
We won’t know what kind of stem cell research will work for which disease until the research is done. Currently, there are no successful adult stem cell treatments for Parkinson’s disease. I’ve had it for 13 years and have been tracking the phony claims of the FRC for the past 5 years. Opponents of ESCR also lie when they claim it kills babies. I would like a cure and some honesty from the “religious right”.
Embryonic stem cell research kills embryos. Exactly when do you think an embryo becomes a baby? Are you “with child” the day you become pregnant or the day you put your “embryo” in child care?
You do not become pregnant until the blastocyst (fertilized egg)successfully implants in the uterus and becomes an embryo. Before that the blastocyst is either in a petri dish or frozen if created for IVF, or if created naturally and fails to implant is washed away in the menstrual cycle. Cells for stem cell research are created and obtained in the lab not taken from a woman’s body. The blastocyst is a smear of microscopic undifferentiated cells with no “parts”; nor is it a fetus or baby.
Interesting comment, Rayilyn. (1) Your fertilized egg (blastocyst) whether implanted or not, is already a human being or entity.
(2) Are you implying (“cells for stem cell research are not taken from a woman’s body”) that ova no longer come from a woman’s body? If they are now making them from scratch, that scientist should (a) get a patent (b) and get a Nobel prize in biology.
(3) When you were a blastocyst if they had used you for ESCR they would have killed YOU. When did you start being human?
IVF means eggs are taken from a woman’s body and sperm from a man. After sperm fertilizes egg it is frozen until it is either (1)put in a human uterus where it either implants or does not (2)thrown away when donors complete their family (3) with consent of donors given for research (4) frozen forever.
I figure I became “human” when conception occured – the fertilized egg implanted in my mother’s uterus. In my view, fertilized eggs are not people, but potential people. IVF put fertilization in the lab. When reproduction is done the old-fashioned way, implantation succeeds 40 to 60% of the time. I would not confer “personhood” rights on fertilized eggs. Although a blastocyst contains the human genome, so does a teratoma (ovarian tumor) which can also contain hair, bone, teeth and body parts.
If this whole process bothers you, first work to ban IVF.
“You” started when you got your full complement of 46 chromosomes, whether or not you choose to think so. And, yes, I would ban IVF if I had my way. I think people should be begotten, not made by tinkering in vitro. Call me old-fashioned but I think it works out better for families in the long run. I don’t suppose you’re Christian, are you?
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