There is something in the air. Do you feel it? It is the Spirit of Christmas.
The Morlinos, from my very own parish, have caught the Spirit and celebrate it in song. They also make movies. May God bless all their efforts to spread the good news.
morlino christmas 2013 from Navis Pictures on Vimeo.
A great Leonard Cohen song has been enhanced and Christmas is the occasion for a heartfelt Hallelujah!
Yes, there is something in the air!
Some may wonder what has become of me since I have not blogged in some time. I am, thank God, still well, up and about.
I think perhaps the reason I haven’t blogged much recently is that Facebook is more enjoyable. I have lately a kind of disdain for Twitter and a kind of distaste for blogging. I have indeed made friends with some bloggers and I do not use the word “friend” lightly. When Barbara Curtis’ suffered a fatal brain bleed and her amazing blog came to an abrupt halt I actually wept. We had never met but we had hoped to meet. She was a daily blogger and you can really get to know the heart of someone who writes anything frequently.
Likewise, on Facebook one gets to know, in a different way, the hearts of those who post frequently. Some will post frequent photos of themselves which gets tiring quickly. Or their kids, which is not nearly as boring. The kids are what make their lives meaningful and occupy a good deal of their time. And the kids are especially interesting when they happen tho be one’s own progeny. I, for example have greatgrandchildren in Maine and Florida that I have never seen in person. It is a delight to watch the children grow and to get a glimpse of how their parents parent.
I learn much from the comments of others. Just today I found this comment in a thread on homosexuality.
Love is the greatest power of all-ie the love of God. Too many Christians condemn and verbally stone them rather than overcoming evil with good. Judging, Gluttony and gossip are also sins that will send people to hell apart from Jesus-yet those are rampant in the church. But I think most homosexuals know in their heart hell is real. We are called to share the Gospel which is good news. If we will but focus on God’s goodness in Christ and what He has given us through the cross-not only forgiveness and salvation, but love, peace, joy, purpose, destiny, His very Kingdom, etc, instead of pointing out people’s sins, sinners will be drawn to Jesus and repentance and faith will follow. The goodness of God draws men to repentance-not condemnation. I myself have seen this with at least two and possibly more homosexuals. As I shared the goodness and love of Christ with a very effeminate homosexual-not focusing on his sin but God’s goodness, he cried out “I want that” And he prayed to repent and accept Jesus right then and there. Instantly his voice and mannerisms changed to that of a normal man. Jesus had instantly delivered and transformed him from that homosexual spirit. (which is what binds and blinds them to their sin). As Jesus and Paul say, we are to overcome evil with good. Cheers!
Facebook is where I find the repartee and dialog that I had hoped to find when blogging, which explains why more of my time is devoted to Facebook than to my blog. But if there is anyone out there that actually misses my previously regular blogs you are invited to visit my Facebook site which is quite active and sometimes contentious.
As an aside, another change has occurred in my life which has to do with advancing age and the fact that much of my “git up and go” has got up and went. This year I am leaving the Christmas lights, trees, cooking, gift-giving et al up to the younger folks. I sincerely hate shopping, can’t remember what I’ve bought for whom, so this is the first year that I have not wrestled with giving 20-25 gifts and worrying about who might want what. Time to trim down my possessions and if I think someone might enjoy, or profit from, something of mine, that is what they will receive. I could distribute books among my progeny every Christmas for years to come! At 90 I trust they will indulge my foible. I love them all dearly and they know what.
Christmas Day is a family day, of course, and my dear ones have either been here or in touch via phone or FaceTime. I thank God for each of them. One friend told me I an “family- rich.” Isn’t that a wonderful way to be?