Cluster of wheat image Grapes and vines image Cluster of wheat image
June 2nd, 2008


I really have to write about this because it has happened to me, an 85-year-old, mild-mannered, but opinionated blogger, and you all (all two or three of you) are supposed to share in my joys and trials.

Yesterday was a Sunday like any other Sunday except that my local paper was kind enough (or brave enough) to run a shortened version of my previous post on same-sex marriage which I had submitted as a Community Forum offering. As you might recall, I am not in favor of same-sex marriage. In fact the newspaper titled my article “Same-sex marriage should not be permitted.”

I thought I’d look at it online at the News-Times website. Lo, and behold, at the end of the piece there is a line saying “Post your comments,” and an inviting square to fill with one’s thoughts. Many people had things to say. When I first looked at the site there were 139 comments, just about all of them negative. As I look at the site today the number is up to 188. The last comment from “Horrified,” in the neighboring town of Ridgefield says:

The world has no place for hateful, bigots like you.
What if I were to espouse the same hateful remarks about Italians, Jews or Blacks. It would not be tolerated. You need to take a look at your own issues instead of spreading ignorance. The world is the horrible state it is because of people like you. Read the rest of this entry »

May 26th, 2008


The following is taken directly from a letter I received a week ago from John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute.

According to the legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey, Marcus Borden has fostered a “destructive environment” for students. What did Borden, a high school football coach in East Brunswick NJ and a recipient of the national Caring Coach of the Year award, do to create such a “destructive” environment? He bowed his head,


At other times, he knelt down on one knee–


That’s the extent of Coach Borden’s so-called destructive behavior, which to him was a sign of respect while his football players offered a simple, solemn prayer for safety and honor on the field. If the matter weren’t so serious, the accusations being leveled at Coach Borden would be laughable. Read the rest of this entry »
